"Mechano Quest" is an exhilarating treasure hunt-style event where participants embark on a thrilling journey to uncover hidden mechanical elements scattered throughout the designated area. Armed with a series of cryptic clues and riddles, participants must rely on their wit, problem-solving skills, and teamwork to decipher the clues, locate the secret locations, and collect the valuable mechanical components. As they race against time and each other, participants will explore various corners of the campus or venue, encountering challenges that test their knowledge of mechanical engineering concepts and their ability to think creatively under pressure. With excitement and anticipation building at every turn, "Mechano Quest" promises an unforgettable adventure filled with excitement, camaraderie, and the thrill of discovery.
Join us for an exhilarating experience of learning, competition, and camaraderie in our Technical Quiz, where only the sharpest minds will emerge victorious!